We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of foster children in the Merrimack Valley including all of Greater Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, Andover, and North Andover. With hundreds of foster children in our local area, they need role models who can make a difference in their lives.
Through the efforts of the organization, together with our community, our goal is to bring a positive influence into the lives of these children and support them as they grow. We offer a range of programs for local foster children of all ages. We work closely with the Department of Children and Families (DCF, formerly DSS) to make sure our programs are complementary and needed, and do not overlap with state and federally funded programs.
Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley Board of Directors
Larry F. Giordano, President
Danielle Giordano, Vice President
Bryan Gosselin, Treasurer
Erin Blanchard, Recording Secretary
Marie Therese Chahaine
Mairsele Cintron Esperance
Matt Fitzgerad
Eileen F. Giordano
Brad Gosselin
Tamara Gureghian-Timmons, Atty
Randy Haggar
Peter Kish
Robin McConnell
Rosalee Mohika
Sarah Rastello
Christina St. Onge
Arlene Willette
Linda Dean Campbell
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio
Frank Graziano, CPA
Honorable Mark Newman
Susanne Spitale
Doreen Hatch

About the Founder, Larry Giordano
Larry Giordano is the President and Founder of Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, Inc., which reaches out and supports the growing needs of foster children in the Merrimack Valley region.
Larry was raised as a foster child, is a recognized leader in the Merrimack Valley with an exceptional resume of community service.
He was abandoned by his mother in a Springfield hotel when he was five days old. He lived in a foster home until he was 17, at which time he entered the US Air Force. His years in foster care shaped the man Larry Gagnon became and as a tribute to his foster mother, he took her surname Giordano and became Larry Giordano. Due to his experience as a foster child, he knows the value of community support and aims to help the foster children in the Merrimack Valley grow up and get the help they need to be successful. In previous years, Larry served as City Councilor, Commissioner of Public Safety, Methuen State Representative and Methuen Police Officer. Larry, along with his sons Lonnie and Stephen own and operate the Methuen Karate Association.